Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Time at Home...get to know this new family...

Oh the tricks and milestones we celebrate! Sometime this week we will have 2 nights in a row of sleeping thru the night! Everytime I brag on Elizabeth and Catherine both getting a full night's sleep, one or the other of them wakes up and is up for 1-2 hrs. UGH!...this jetlag! I KNOW it's almost over! ^>^

Catherine and Elizabeth get along SPLENDIDLY! Catherine DOES like to check out my level of love for her periodically, tho, but nothing abnormal! Cath can make Elizabeth giggle faster than anyone. She's a GREAT big sis! She's gotten the 1st laugh, the 1st kiss, the 1st hug, ...she'll probably get the 1st walk too!

Elizabeth is having several doc tests run this week. She had *4* shots last Friday and seemed to weather them and their aftermath w/ just a little irritation. The nurse said "WOW! She's tough!" We have to 'test' for all kinds of blood stuff...nothing scary...just making sure on what vaccines we need to re-do. [we re-did ALL of them for Catherine].

Elizabeth looks to be a little more introverted than Cath...she O.D.ed on Sunday, had a quiet Monday, and seems to be on a better cadence this week.

TRICKS: She crawled a real crawl - from living room to kitchen [she was hungry ^>^] - for the 1st time on Monday (the 8th!). (She's been sitting up, leaning out prone, rolling over and sitting up again, and so on to get around... ...that process just got quickened ^>^ ) We are FINALLY on TABLE FOODS too - that's huge! Now if we can move off a heated bottle, we'll be in GREAT shape! A "high 5" is in the making, she signed 'more' tonight, AND her wildest 'trick': she blows her nose at will ^>^ [it's just a funny noise unless she has a cold ^>^ ]

This pix is tonight post-bathtime - obviously: ...Big Sister/Little Sister shirts...and all their CWA (Christian World Adoption - CWA) and other China bears.

Your notes and cards and emails and texts and above all, PRAYERS are amazingly wonderful and appreciated!!!!!!!!
Blessings and love to you all!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Catherine & Elizabeth in Changsha

This pretty much describes what the girls thought of the 'photo shoot' we did on our next to last day in Changsha (now almost 2 wks ago)! I have 2 DELIGHTFUL books of pix and a 'screen' of each of the girls, plus the CD these came from. WHAT a TREASURE!

Cath got to have her hair all done up and make-up on...Elizabeth didn't smile for a one, but we got some pix to treasure!

We are SLOWLY getting schedules back to normal. Catherine is doing better than Elizabeth and I are. So THANKS AGAIN for your wonderful prayers, notes, calls, gifts, emails, texts...your support and TLC means OH SO much to us!

Blessings and love to you all!

L, C, & E!