Sunday, September 23, 2007

Guangzhou at last!

We are in a wonderful city of 11million (i think) just over an hour from Hong Kong. We'll be here til we leave on Thursday a.m. I hope to send pix to Dad to post - can't get them to post today. ...stay tuned!

Elizabeth had her medical exam today - a formality mostly. She's GREAT! 20lbs and 76cm! She's the oldest of our 4 babies, but not the biggest. We have loved getting to know our "travel cousins" and now are enjoying the GREAT food here and catching up on sleep. The colds seem to be subsiding, so we are all feeling better.

Now we wait for papers and for the Visa appointment and swearing in at the American Consolate.

Please continue prayers for safety, good health, attachment, knowing in our heart of hearts that there is enough love to go around!!!...AND sharing that too!

We are staying in the White Swan Hotel - WHAT a treat: if you want to check it out! There are several special needs children around in addition to the babies. It's prayerfully tear jerking to see these elementary-age children with eye problems or some kind of facial abnormality (which are no problem for our docs) walk shyly or exuberantly with their new parents thru the sensory overloads of this hotel, town, and now new lives. Mom and I weep 'happy tears' (as Catherine says) of HOPE for these new families and are all the more grateful for ours.

Thanks for the notes, prayers, prayer beads, cards, and all the different ways you all are supporting us! (and Dad too!!!)

We'll be home FRIDAY! ...til then, stay tuned for pix! ^>^
Blessings and love -
L!...and Catherine, Elizabeth, and Anne!!!


Colleen said...

Brenda forwarded the website for your blog to me, and I love it. Elizabeth is adorable, and I'm so happy that Catherine and Elizabeth seem to be bonding. Safe travels, and I'll continue to pray for you!

Anonymous said...

WOW! God is SO good! You are three of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen. Lynn, Elizabeth is so very blessed to join your family and Catherine--you will be one of the greatest big sisters ever! Martha and the rest of our family send much love and can't wait to wrap our arms around all of you! Until then, you all remain wrapped in fervent prayer!
Love and many blessings,